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 A Rest in the Tune (Closed)

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Enforcement Minion

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A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: A Rest in the Tune (Closed)   A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 29, 2014 12:02 am

((OOC: Tuesday Week 15))

The BEAT's dorm room was half empty at this time. Terra was off at one of her classes, but Emerald and Bianca both had a free period. So they were just hanging out in the dorm room. Adhira... had been gone for over a week.

Emerald had been reading a book for some time before he found a spot to stop. Closing the book and setting it down next to him on his bed, he gets up off his bed and walks to the bathroom. Walking inside, he closes the door and whispers, "Fragmentation." Two clones appeared, one with red hair and eyes, the other with violet hair and eyes. Opening the window as wide as it goes, Emerald says to them, "I'm tired of listening to you two complaining about wanting to fight something. So, go to the Emerald Forest and beat up a few Grimm." Amethyst's response, "Hoo-rah!" He jumps out the window, not caring how far the ground was from it. Almandine, the suspicious one, walked over to the window slowly, eye-ing Emerald for a few seconds, before turning to it. He jumps out of the bathroom without a word.

He had a right to be suspicious, Emerald's intention wasn't to go let them have fun, it was to get rid of them for what was to happen next. Both were too hot-headed, and he didn't need that at the moment. He closed the window and opened the bathroom door. He stepped out and walked to his bed. He sits on the side of his bed and looks at Bianca. He showed nothing in his emotionless face, but he was waiting for her to realize that he was looking over at her.
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A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Rest in the Tune (Closed)   A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 29, 2014 4:37 pm

Bianca sat on her bed, sad and sulking from not having seen Adhira in a week. The sight of Emerald letting out two of his personalities made her suspicious, and when she saw him looking at her she knew what he wanted. "She's been gone for so long..." Bianca mumbled, looking at Emerald sadly. "That's what you wanted to talk to me about, wasn't it? Otherwise you wouldn't have let out your two more... troublesome, selves." Bianca sighed, curling up as she leaned against the wall with her blanket covering everything but her head. She really did miss Adhira, but she was gone now. At least, that's what it seemed like.
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Enforcement Minion

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PostSubject: Re: A Rest in the Tune (Closed)   A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 29, 2014 6:01 pm

Emerald hears in his head, How'd she know? Faunus ears, she must have heard me talking. Sighing, he finally asked, "Did you scare her off?" Emerald was thinking back to their first day as a team when Bianca had put Musa in a catatonic state. Then later, Musa leaving the team. Emerald having wondered why Adhira left without a word, had remembered this particular scene and he wanted to make sure of the cause.
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Age : 26
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PostSubject: Re: A Rest in the Tune (Closed)   A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 29, 2014 10:36 pm

"W-What? Why w-would I-?" Bianca started but cut herself off when she remembered something she did. "I-I... might have accidentally. We were sitting by the cliffs looking at the sunset and she was feeling sad so I... I kissed her and confessed that I loved her... and I didn't see her after that." Bianca explained burying her face in her thighs underneath her blanket, tears staining her pajamas as she began crying out loud. "I'm sorry, I keep tearing our team apart." she cried. "I-I should just go... to a place where I can't hurt anyone ever again..."
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Enforcement Minion

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A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Rest in the Tune (Closed)   A Rest in the Tune (Closed) Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 4:30 pm

As Emerald listened to Bianca, his face showed no sign of changing from it's neutral state. However, his hands were clenched tight and his knuckles were slowly turning bone white. When she stopped talking, Emerald muttered something so low, that a normal person wouldn't hear it, but with Bianca's faunus ears she would be able to hear, "That's the most bull shit explanation I've ever heard." There was venom in the words, but not in his tone. Emerald was incapable of venom.

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