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 El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo

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Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong

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PostSubject: El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo   El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 12:06 pm

Name: Francisco Pastor (El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo)

Age: 20

Gender: male

El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo The_dr12

Appearance: 6' 5", 260 lbs. Wears an inlaid leather lucha mask at all times. The mask is primarily red and black with gold lining. He's a pretty big guy and he usually wears a  t-shirt with his emblem or a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, also with his emblem over the breast pocket. He is usually seen wearing unadorned athletic shorts or skin tight, knee length black leggings with his name printed down the side in red lettering with gold trim. He is usually barefoot or wears light black boxing shoes with gold laces. Whether shirtless, wearing a t-shirt or a button down, he is often wearing a black hoodie that is entirely plain save for his emblem located on the back. Most days he wears white handwraps that wrap around his palms, wrists and the front half of his forearms. When El Taladro channels his aura, he begins to glow with an almost divine light.

Personality: No one, NO ONE touches the mask. El Taladro does not speak much but when he does, you know it. He can get loud and tends to get very excited by the heat of combat. There's not much he likes more than testing his physical prowess against that of someone or something else. He is very determined and if he starts something, he will usually keep trying until he completes it. He values hard work, acceptance and honor. If you manage to befriend him, he will defend you with his life, but he does not consider many people his friends. He's a bit thick skulled and prefers to solve his issues by tackling them head on (often literally). He also has issues with authority and does not like it when people tell him what he can and cannot do.

History: El Taladro comes from a family of farmers. He was a fast grower and was working by the time he could speak. He quickly grew into a very large young man, and was the pride and joy of his parents. His time working on the farm only served to teach him discipline and to make him even bigger. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and did not do very well in school(which is one of the reasons he applied to Beacon so late), but he worked hard and tried his best to pass to make his parents proud. After he passed middle school, he worked full time at the farm, as his parents simply could not afford to send him to get a higher education (which is the other reason he applied so late). One day, when he was in town running errands, he saw some punks roughing up a gay man outside of a grocery store. Being fairly naïve, he went up to them and inquired why they were attacking the man. When they told him he could not comprehend why they would do such a thing, for such a trivial reason. They refused to stop attacking the man and one of the aggressors turned towards him and said "There are six of us and only one of you. You can't stop us." That man's neck function was never the same. Across the street from that grocery store was a wrestling gym, and upon seeing the young El Taladro fight, the owner offered to train him. El Taladro was excited about the prospect but did not have the money. The owner cut him a deal: El Taladro was to clean the entire gym every week and the owner would help him hone his skills. His parents and grandmother were happy for him and supported him all the way. El Taladro quickly became a champion in his division. He did so well, he was bumped up a division into heavy weight and fought hard. As a reward for his hard work a perseverance, his trainer gave him the mask he wears today, which ho only wore while fighting. One day, when El Taladro was scrubbing the sweat off the floor of the gym, the town barber ran in and told him that Grimm Monsters had been spotted on the outskirts of town, around his family's farm. El Taladro was filled with horror and fear, both relatively alien emotions to him. Nothing previously had actually frightened him. He was confident in himself and felt that there was no challenge too big for him to handle, but the prospect of losing the ones he cared about, that scared him. When he reached the farm, he saw the shed door left ajar. He approached slowly, attempting to mentally steel himself. What he saw still haunts him today. His parents had been slaughtered. The position of the bodies indicated that his father had attempted to hold back the creatures and protect his wife, but was overwhelmed. His mother must have then grabbed an axe and killed the beast attacking her husband but was soon killed but the other beasts,  After she had killed it, more beasts must have appeared and she too was slain. He stumbled out of the shed with one thought in his mind: Abuella. His legs carried him to the house but his mind, much like his world, was in pieces. He rushed inside to see one of the beasts leering over a crumpled, bloody heap on the kitchen floor. That was when Los Taladro's mind left him. El Taladro woke up later in the town's small hospital, on a bed far too small for him. He did not remember the details of the fight, nor did he want to talk about it with the inquiring towns people. He had suffered significant wounds on his arms and received several deep, long cuts on his face, which were now covered with bandages. The men who had entered the house afterwards found him lying on the floor next to the bed, upon which his  dead grandmother was laid. In the kitchen however, an unbelievably grisly scene had been laid out. The largest piece of the monster they could find were chunks of bone about 4 inches long.

His recovery was painful in more ways than one. Los Taladro's wounds healed as his mind did, but both left large scars that would never fade. As soon as he could stand, Los Taladro was out of the hospital. His trainer found him in the gym, collecting some clothes from his locker. "Where will you go?" He asked. El Taladro was silent for a while, "Wherever I can to kill those things." His trainer knew El Taladro well enough to know there was no stopping the man. Instead, he rushed into his office and took 8 metal hoops down from the cabinet where they had been gathering dust. He told El Taladro the legend of Derribar Montañas and told him how they worked. Finally, the old man pointed his protégé in the direction of Beacon and gave him his blessing. El Taladro pulled on his mask, thanked him for everything he had done for him, turned and left, intending never to return. Since then, he has never used his original name and never lets anyone see him without his mask.

He walked from his small town all the way to Beacon, training with the weapons as he went. Walking through the forest and later, the scummier parts of the city gave him plenty of opportunity to employ the weapon and he did to great effect. This long time alone also gave him ample opportunity to heal from his emotional trauma. He no longer gets upset when he thinks of his family and their fate, but rather remembers the love and support of his parents and the encouragement of his grandmother. His determination to eradicate the Grimm, however, has not changed. When he arrived at Beacon, he applied in person and slept outside until he was accepted. El Taladro may never know, but the only reason he was accepted was due to the efforts of his former mentor and trainer, who called and asked for the boy to be let in, and offered to pay his entire tuition.

Strengths: His physical strength. His experience fighting larger opponents. His martial prowess. Very determined. Has minor aura capabilities but has no idea how to project it, only how to use it to make himself tougher.

Weaknesses: Bullheaded and stubborn, has no real ranged weapons but refuses to wear armor, would rather die than be caught without his mask. Is aware of Dust and how to use it in his weapon but that is pretty much the extent of his knowledge about it.


Name: Derribar Montañas

Primary: When not in use Derribar Montañas lies dormant in the form of 8 metal hoops that are worn on the forearms, 4 on each arm. When active, the hoops expand to create a metal gauntlet that provides protection, but lacks very much armor on the wrists and fingers. This is to allow for freedom of motion, allowing the user to strike with greater precision and grapple his foes without hindrance. When necessary, the weapon can lock the wrists in place, completely restricting wrist movement, but allowing for a stronger defense. The weapon was originally a construction tool, and so it does not have any primary offensive functions.

Secondary: Derribar Montañas has a compatibility with dust techniques. It primarily makes use of White or Red dust to augment force in the interest of demolishing buildings, but El Taladro employs it to increase the power of his strikes. After a few seconds of charge, the weapon can also propel the user forward a few yards by using the same white or red dust to propel the gauntlet forward, pulling the user along with it. Use of White dust augments striking force and speed and force of dash, while use of Red dust does not add much in the way of force but does add plumes of flames to his attacks and his dash.

History: Derribar Montañas was originally a construction device that were only given to skilled and trained operators. They were used in demolition and general construction due to the fact that they offered protection and helped the user lift and carry heavy objects. A drawback of the device was the lack of free range of motion, so some of the protection was sacrificed to make the weapon more functional. It wasn't long before minor dust capabilities were added to make demolition easier can faster. Not everyone is as big as Los Taladro, and not everyone can bare the recoil from using the white dust capability. As building grew larger, this became an issue as an operator of the device fell to his death due to the device's recoil. The device was losing popularity quickly, and in an effort to revive some of the tools former glory, a dash feature was added, the idea being that should one fall from a structure, they could simply use the white dust dash to propel themselves back to safety. Before the company went bankrupt, they released on last line of these devices among which they had released the largest set they had ever made. This pair was considerably larger and offered more in the ways of protection. It also harbored a compatibility with red dust and could be collapsed into metal hoops which were could be hung in a workshop or could be worn on the forearms for easy transportation. This last set, dubbed Derribar Montañas, was the engineering department's wet dream, that they had just barely been able to convince their higher ups to allow them to produce. They didn't expect anyone to want it let alone be able to use it, but it fit perfectly onto the hands of world famous lucha, La Ira Del Toro. He used them in construction, after he retired from fighting. Then, years later, he retired from construction and took the gloves with him. Some say he's opened up a small nameless wrestling gym in a tiny town on the outskirts of the city.

I'm sorry it's so wordy. Also, it may be a little hard to read. I'm a little sick and a little busy so i wasn't able to proofread it. My bad. Thanks for looking over it, let me know what you think.

Last edited by Sun Wukong on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo   El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 1:09 pm

Just some minor spelling and grammar errors.
The main one to fix would be this one.
Quote :
and not everyone can bury the recoil from using the white dust capability.
I'm pretty sure you mean "bare" not "bury"

fix the above error, don't abuse the white dust augments and you're approved.

Also I expect a full nelson at some point during your RPing here. You don't have to do that, I just think it would be funny.
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Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong

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PostSubject: Re: El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo   El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 1:24 pm

This is why we proof read. Thanks for pointing that out and thanks for taking the time to look it over. I added a small change to the way the dash works:
Quote :
After a few seconds of charge, the weapon can also propel the user forward a few yards by using the same white or red dust to propel the gauntlet forward, pulling the user along with it.
Just think Captain Falcon.

The Full Nelson de los Antepasados is one of El Taladro's favorite moves. POR EL HONOR DE LA LUCHA!
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PostSubject: Re: El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo   El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 1:56 pm

Oh nice. That makes it much better.

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PostSubject: Re: El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo   El Taladro Que Perfora El Cielo Icon_minitime

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